Google's Dataset Search allows you to search for data on a range of websites, including Statista and many of the free sources above. This can be worth searching, but bear in mind it may show you data that is not freely available. As with all Google searches, it will also provide sources which may not be reliable. It is therefore essential that you critically evaluate the source of data before including it in your assignments.
Here are some of the sources you could use to find case studies.
Many journal articles are case studies. To find them, enter 'case study' in the search box as one of your key words. You can find journal articles on ABI Inform Complete, Business Source Complete and Emerald.
The University has a subscription to Sage Research Methods.
To log in, click ‘Institution’, then ‘Log in via your institution’, in the country box select United Kingdom, in the institution box enter Coventry University, and then click OPENATHENS/SHIBBOLETH.
Sage Research Methods is a database providing a wealth of material that can guide students and staff through the research process – whether at undergraduate level or PhD. It can help provide context for writing a research question, conducting a literature review, choosing a research method, collecting and analysing data, and writing up the findings. We would strongly recommend having a browse around the site to see what’s available to help you.