Creating a playlist allows you to group together related videos or clips for yourself or to share with your students. You can view and edit your playlists from your MyBoB area.
Creating a New Playlist
To create a new playlist click MyBob from the BoB homepage. Click "Playlists" and "New Playlist". Give your playlist a name and brief description. The checkbox allows you to chose if you want your playlist to be publicly available; if you select this option other BoB users can find and view your playlist.
Adding Programmes to your Playlist
To add a video to a playlist open the full video by clicking on its title. Under the video you will see an option to "Add to Playlist", click this. You can now add the programme to an existing playlist by typing in its title or create a new list and add your video to this.
Editing a Playlist
To edit your playlist go to your MyBoB area and select playlists. Click the playlist you want to edit to open it. To edit the title, description and public status of your list select "Edit Playlist Details". You can also use this to delete your playlist. To remove programmes from your playlist click "Edit List", check any items you want to remove and click "Remove".