Databases on the EBSCO platform can be searched simultaneously by selecting the 'Choose databases' option and selecting several databases. But for your final year project it's best to use each database separately.
I recommend always searching in Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, and Medline. You can choose any other relevant ones from the list below depending on your specific topic.
Scopus indexes articles from thousands of journals in the sciences and social sciences, including conference proceedings. Scopus provides useful search tools and citation searching tools.
Searching Scopus retrieves articles from both Science Direct & Scopus at the same time. But searching Science Direct only searches the latter alone. So Scopus is better for retrieving the greatest number of articles.
ScienceDirect provides full-text searching and access to thousands of journal articles and books. Be aware that search functionality in ScienceDirect is more limited than some databases and you can only search up to 8 keyword terms at once.
We have thousands of e-books available. You can find and access e-books using Locate. Some particularly useful e-book collections are highlighted below.
There are a number of resources you can use to find dissertations and theses from Coventry University and other national and international universities. Please note that the library does not hold copies of undergraduate or taught Masters dissertations.
There are a variety of visual resources which provide life-sciences images, diagrams and photographs.
There are a wide range of free resources available on the web to find images related to life-science, molecular biology and public health. Links to some useful resources are given below.