Open Access Week is almost here once again, and no, you aren't having deja-vu, this year's theme is "Community over Commercialization" again, continuing the call from last year to prioritize approaches to open scholarship that serve the best interests of the public and the academic community.
This year, we have a week packed full of activities to help you learn more about Open Access, and develop all the skills you need to share your work as a researcher!
Links to sign up to the events can be found in the schedule below. For more information, please contact
Mon 21st:
Pump up your Profiles - Talk (Lanchester Library, T3, 10-11am) and Drop-ins
In this session, the Open Research & Scholarly Publications (ORSP) Team will give you an overview of the different types of profiles and forms of online presences you may be interested in setting up as a researcher. This will also include advice and guidance on managing multiple profiles and dealing with issues such as researchers with similar names or changing institutions. There will then be an opportunity to manage, update or set up profiles with the helpful guidance of the Open Research and Scholarly Publications Team in the drop-ins that follows this session:
11:00-12:00, Lanchester Library - Teaching Room 3
12:00-13:00, Delia Derbyshire Building - Forest Cafe
13:30-14:30, Elm Bank - Kestral Room
15:30-16:30, Ryton Gardens - CAWR Kitchen Space
To register for the Profiles talk click here:
Tues 22nd:
Open Access Games - Lanchester Library, 10am-12pm
Come along to the Library to play some games and learn a bit more about Open Access.
Coventry Open Press Conversations: 'Everything you ever wanted to know about OA publishing, but were afraid to ask (in 90 minutes)' - Lanchester Library T2a/b / Online, 1-2:30pm
Does Open Access have the same scholarly standards as traditional academic publishing? Will I always have to pay to publish? Is OA really fair and equitable? Will my work 'count' if I publish OA?
John Atkinson, Coventry Open Press manager, and invited guests, will be busting some myths around Open Access publishing. Whether you are a researcher interested in exploring alternative routes to publication, a teacher looking for an outlet for your passion project, or a staff member supporting research who wants a better understanding of the publishing world, come along to hear some real-world experiences of the OA landscape from authors and publishers.
Andrew Lockett - Manager of the University of Westminster Press (2015-2021), one of the first of the 'new wave' of UK Open Access institutional presses.
Dr Catalina Neculai - Assistant Professor at the Centre for Academic Writing, Coventry University; and member of the Coventry Open Press Editorial Advisory Committee.
Dr Judith Fathallah - Research Fellow at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University; Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University; and member of the COPIM Project.
To register, click here:
Wed 23rd:
Research Café - Lanchester Library, T2a/b / Online, 10-11:30am
Come along to our Open Access Research Café for an opportunity to meet, share and discuss research with researchers and academics from different disciplines across the university! Picking up on the ongoing conversations for Open Access week, the theme for this research café is "Community over Commercialisation".
Research cafés are a welcoming environment for researchers to share their own research experiences, inspiration and ideas, offering an insight into research from across the University, and an opportunity to network with colleagues at different stages of their research journey.
Julyan Levy (Centre for Creative Economies) - Solidarity economy and plant agency
Mohamed Sami Mehiaoui (Centre for Peace and Security) - Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Academia and Practice: A Case Study of from a researcher and an entrepreneur perspective
Daniel Rink (Centre for Arts, Memory and Community) - The presentation of economic issues in the press during the 1951 General Election campaign.
To register, click here:
Thurs 24th:
Open Access Games - Lanchester Library, 10am-12pm
Come along to the Library to play some games and learn a bit more about Open Access.
Meet Your Requirements: Open Access for REF, UKRI and Beyond' - Elm Bank Barn Owl Room, 2-3pm
It can be difficult to keep up with the developments in Open Access: only this year we expect REF to announce the developments to their OA policy, not long after UKRI extended their policy to cover longform publications as well as articles and conference papers. This session, ran by Open Research Officer Dr Joshua Caldicott from the Open Research and Scholarly Publications Team, will help explain the Open Access requirements you need to meet, and how you can comply with them. This will include a discussion of your options for Gold Open Access, and how you can make your work Green Open Access through Pure. This session is predominantly aimed at research staff / staff supporting research in the University.
To register, click here:
Fri 25th:
Open Research Writing Retreat - Lanchester Library, 9am-4:30pm
With a constant stream of emails, meetings, admin, it can be hard to make time to just write. As part of Open Access Week, we are running an Open Research themed writing retreat that gives you the chance to fence off the day to work on writing for publication, while learning a bit more about Open Research practices.
Held in the Lanchester Library, the day will mark out time for writing with the opportunity for regular breaks throughout. Different spaces will be made available for you to write, and support will be on hand from the Open Research and Scholarly Publications team and the Centre for Academic Writing team. To frame your writing, you will be introduced to different Open Research Practices, helping you to think about how you might share your work. Please note, this is an all day event with time set for breaks; lunch will be own provision, but refreshments will be provided throughout the day.
So, turn that "Out of Office" on and join us for a day of writing and Open Research!
To register, click here: