You can see the links to external mathematics and statistics additional support, and useful information around campus below.
A large collection of self-study resources including videos, handouts and self-assessment tests targeted to the needs of your individual course. | |
To revise and enhance your existing statistics knowledge, the StatsTutor website is the perfect starting point on your journey to learn new statistics concepts. | |
To bridge the gap from school to university study, to revise or find the maths topic you missed, you will want to meet MathTutor. | |
The book "How to design and report experiments (by Andy P Field and Graham J Hole)" is very useful for those who need help in designing research studies and reporting statistics. | |
An extensive collection of learning resources in mathematics and statistics at every level from kindergarten to university. Scroll down the page to get to the more advanced resources. | |
MathWorld is the web's most extensive mathematical resource, provided as a free service to the world's mathematics and internet communities as part of a commitment to education and educational outreach by Wolfram Research, makers of Mathematica. | |
GCSE Revision material – you will be asked to select the exam specification you are taking, just click one that takes your fancy. | |
Simple explanations and exercises for basic areas of mathematics. |
A list of books available for use in the Centre can be found here: Books
Maybe you know some other useful resources? Email Mark Hodds at and we’ll add it to this page.