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sigma: Statistical Tests

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Statistical Worksheets (using Software)

What test do I need?

The video and associated slides below have been developed to help you determine which statistical test you may need to answer the questions or hypotheses you have. These are particularly useful for students completing their dissertation (full project or proposal), PhD students, or staff members undertaking research.

What test do I need - Video

What test do I need - Slides

Tests Worksheets

These worksheets can be worked through to give a sound grounding in Statistical Tests and to help you decide which statistical test you need. These sheets are also all available in hard copy to work from within the Mathematics and Statistics Support Centre via our touchscreens.

Anatomy of a Statistical Hypothesis Test ST1
Extracting Data from Research Papers for Meta-Analysis ST2
Meta-Analysis for Categorical Outcomes ST3
Meta-Analysis for Continuous Outcomes ST4
Panel Data Regression with spss ST5
Panel Data Regression with gretl ST6
Panel Data Regression with R ST7
Correlation ST8
Paired t-test ST9
Independent t-test ST10
Chi Squared Test ST11
Simple Linear Regression ST12
One-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) ST13
Two-Way ANOVA (Analysis of Variance) ST14
Reliability Analysis ST15
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