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IT Skills: IT Videos

Videos to help improve your assignments

Click on the link above for a series of videos which help you get the most out of using Microsoft Word 2016 when completing your course assignments and throughout your studies.
By the end of these videos you should be able to do the vast majority of the things you need to be on your way to producing an organised, well formatted assignment on your course, while developing your IT and word processing skills.
Use the playlist on the right of our YouTube channel to navigate videos.

Videos included:

Click on the link above for a series of videos which help you get the most out of using PowerPoint 2016 when completing your course assignments and throughout your studies.
By the end of these videos you should be able to do the vast majority of the things you need to be on your way to producing an organised, well formatted and well presented PowerPoint slides on your course, while developing your IT skills.
Use the playlist on the right of our YouTube channel to navigate videos.

Videos included:

A collection of videos about using design in Powerpoint.

About e-Portfolios

ePortfolios can be described as digital collections of artifacts, a good academic ePortfolio also represents a process – specifically, the process of generating new or deeper learning by reflecting on one’s existing learning.

So what is an ePortfolio?

An academic ePortfolio is a digital collection which is viewable online created by a student of their course-related work, it can include essays, posters, photographs, videos, and artwork; Academic ePortfolios can also capture other aspects of a student’s life, such as volunteer experiences, employment history, extracurricular activities, and more. In other words, ePortfolios document and make visible student learning. please see your assignment or tutor for specific requirements of what your e-Portfolio should contain.

A good ePortfolio is both about being a product (a digital collection of artifacts) and a process (of reflecting on those artifacts and what they represent). ePortfolios exist online and support student learning.  With an ePortfolio, the student is in charge: the student decides who can view the ePortfolio, what artifacts get added, how it is designed, and so on.

How do I make an ePortfolio?

As an ePortfolio is an online portfolio you will need to build a webpage to showcase your work.  There are many ways to do this, Adobe Portfolio, Wix, Squarespace, WordPress, even social media etc, and if you are already using such software elsewhere you can make your ePortfolio that way.  However, for most students it is likely that making an acedemic ePortfolio is a new experience and in that case we recommend Google Sites or Mahara.

Google Sites

Google Sites just requires a google account and allows you to simply build, publish and share your ePortfolio online.  You can include text, images, presentations, and video from Youtube (or your own video as long as you've uploaded to Youtube first).  Sites gives you complete control of your ePortfolio and allows you to showcase to employers after you've graduated.

How do I use Google Sites?

Our Youtube Channel has video tutorials for using Google Sites and Mahara here, just click the links to view the videos:

How to use Google Sites

How to Find, save, and annotate articles to manage your references using Locate, Kopernio, EndNote and Adobe Reader DC (Word could be used as an alternative).

A collection of excellent presentations and talks on topics we hope will interest you that you can use to see great speakers in action.

Finding Royatly Free Photos - Avoid breaking copyright laws by using photos you are allowed to use in your assignments by using Google Images or other free photo sites.