Databases on the EBSCO platform can be searched simultaneously for a scoping search. But for a systematic search you need to use each database separately because the indexing / subject headings can vary between databases.
To search more than one database at a time go into any EBSCO database and select 'Choose databases' and select the databases you would like to search.
I recommend always searching in Academic Search Complete, CINAHL, and Medline. You can choose any other relevant ones from the list below depending on your specific topic.
Scopus indexes articles from thousands of journals in the sciences and social sciences, including conference proceedings. Scopus provides useful search tools and citation searching tools.
Searching Scopus retrieves articles from both Science Direct & Scopus at the same time. But searching Science Direct only searches the latter alone. So Scopus is better for retrieving the greatest number of articles.
ScienceDirect provides full-text searching of solely peer-reviewed content. Be aware that search functionality in ScienceDirect is more limited than some databases and you can only search up to 8 keyword terms at once.
PubMed is freely available online. The main component of PubMed is Medline. It also includes content from PubMed Central which consists of some scholarly published articles; also articles which were peer-reviewed but not published, and some articles which were published but have NOT been peer-reviewed. So there is more content, but you need to check whether the article you have found was published / peer-reviewed.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making and is used mainly in nursing.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (CDSR), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Health Technology Assessment Database (HTA), NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED), and a seventh database that provides information about Cochrane groups: About The Cochrane Collaboration.
The following databases can also be searched together, choose any of the following links and above the search bar select 'Change Databases' and select the ones you would like to search. The databases highlighted below may prove particularly useful.
We have thousands of e-books available. You can find and access e-books using Locate. Some particularly useful e-book collections are highlighted below.
Some useful resources for systematic reviews are given below. More information and resources can be found on our Systematic Review LibGuide
Professional Bodies
There are a variety of visual resources which provide life-sciences images, diagrams and photographs.
There are a wide range of free resources available on the web to find images related to life-science, molecular biology and public health. Links to some useful resources are given below.