You can search and access to our extensive subscribed electronic resources as Coventry University Staff or Students, and the search result list tells you the details about the resources you are searching.
You are encouraged to use Locate to access to full text. Below you will find the tips to get the full-text through Locate.
There are some other ways you can try to link through to the full text of an item
You need to login in order to get any full-text online through Locate.
1. Click on the "Online access" link which will appear for the item(s).
2. Use one of the link under 'View it' to navigate to the e-book site.
1. You can select 'Download PDF' for the article you want to read and it will take you directly to the full text of the article.
2. You can alternatively select 'Full-text available'. The item details page will show the specific databases we subscribed that have your article and the information on the years covered under 'View it'. You can click on the database you wish to access the article.