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sigma: Research and Scholarships

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sigma Centre Research and Scholarships

sigma at Coventry University is one of the most active groups in undertaking research and scholarship related to mathematics and statistics support. Staff regularly publish their findings in refereed journals, are invited to present at conferences and deliver professional development activities for colleagues from other universities involved in mathematics and statistics support. Names in bold are staff from sigma, names not in bold are colleagues from other institutions.

Journal PapersBook ChaptersConference PresentationProfessional DevelopmentOther Scholarly Activities

Journal Papers

  • Bromage, A., Pierce, S., Reader, T., and Compton, L. (2021) Teaching statistics to non-specialists: challenges and strategies for success, Journal of Further and Higher Education
  • Hodds, M. Shao, J., and Lawson, D. (2020) Changes in student entru competencies 2001-2017, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology
  • Grove, M., Croft, T. and Lawson, D. (2019) The extent and uptake of mathematics support in higher education: results from the 2018 survey. To appear in Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications
  • Grove, M., Croft, T., Lawson, D. and Petrie, M. (2019) Community perspectives of mathematics and statistics support in higher education: the role of the staff member, Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 38(1):43-59.
  • Grove, M., Croft, T., Lawson, D. and Petrie, M. (2018) Community perspectives of mathematics and statistics support in higher education: building the infra-structure, Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 37(4):171-191.
  • Hodds, M. and Xu, A. (2018) Reviewing Coventry University’s Mathematics Support Centre 2016-17: Ideas and Inspiration, MSOR Connections, 16(3):20-30. Available from 10.21100/msor.v16i3.795
  • Croft, T. and Lawson, D. (2017) Improving mathematics education: what can we learn from 25 years of mathematics support? Mathematics TODAY, (53(5):196-199.
  • Xu, A and Lenton, G. (2017) Understanding of fraction and its application in unit conversions, MSOR Connections, 16(1):53-66.
  • Xu, A. and Wang, J. (2017) Experience sharing: mathematical contest in modelling (MCM), MSOR Connections, 15(3): 67-72.
  • Hawkes, T. and Hodds, M. (2016) HowCloud: Round-the-Clock Maths Support, MSOR Connections, 14(2):3-7., available from
  • Mackenzie, H., Tolley, H., Croft, T., Grove, M. and Lawson, D.(2016) Senior management perspectives of mathematics and statistics support in higher education: Moving to an ‘ecological’ approach’ Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 38(5):550-561.
  • Lawson, D. and Croft, T. (2015) Mathematics Support – past, present and, most importantly, future, MSOR Connections, 14 (1):4-10.
  • Croft, T., Lawson, D.Hawkes, T., Grove, M., Bowers, D. and Petrie, M. (2015) sigma – A Network Working!, Mathematics TODAY, 51(1):36-40.

Book Chapter

  • Lawson, D. (2016) The potential of centres of/for excellence in higher education, in Heading for Excellence (Pa Vei Mot Det Fremste?), Eds: Braten, H. and Borsheim, A., NOKUT, Oslo, pp. 125-144.
  • Lawson, D.L (2016) sigma: A case study of an enduring centre for excellence, in Heading for Excellence (Pa Vei Mot Det Fremste?), Eds: Braten, H. and Borsheim, A., NOKUT, Oslo, pp. 145-166.
  • Lawson, D. (2015) Mathematics support at the transition to university, in Transitions in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, Eds: Grove, M., Croft, T., Kyle, J. and Lawson, D., University of Birmingham, pp. 39-56.

Conference Presentation

  • Lawson, D. (2019) Keynote address at CETL-MSOR 2019, DCU, Dublin, Ireland
  • Hodds, M. (2019) Supporting Nursing Students' Mathematical Understanding, presentation at CETL-MSOR 2019, DCU, Dublin, Ireland
  • Lawson, D. (2019) Mathematics and statistics support at Coventry University, invited presentation at MatRIC-Kdhm Workshop, Hannover, Germany, June 2019.
  • Lawson, D. (2018) Lessons learned from 25 years of mathematics support, keynote address at INDRUM 2018 (International Network for Didactic Research in Undergraduate Mathematics), Kristiansand, Norway, April 2018.
  • Hodds, M. (2017) ‘Using self-explanation training to improve nursing students’ mathematical understanding’, Proceedings of Mathematics Education beyond 16: Pathways and Transitions, a conference of the IMA and CETL-MSOR 2017, Paper available from

Professional Development Activities and Documents

Other Scholarly Activities

  • Hodds, M. Member of sigma Network Steering Group
  • Hodds, M. Member of the IMA Teaching Scholarships panel
  • Lawson, D. IMA representative on sigma Network Steering Group
  • Lawson, D. Editor of Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications
  • Lawson, D. Member of International Advisory Board for MatRIC, a Norwegian Centre for Excellent Education
  • Owen, A. Member of sigma Network Steering Group
  • Owen, A. Co-chair of sigma Network Statistics Special Interest Group
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