Contains industry and market research reports and company profiles. Covers global industries. To find company/industry reports rather than journal articles, filter your search by Source Type: Market Research Reports, Industry Profiles & SWOT Analyses.
Legal entity where all UK public and private companies have to file their accounts. Reports can be ordered where information is not available on FAME or on a company's website. Be aware that limited companies are not obliged to provide extensive information unlike a public company.
FAME contains financial data taken from a company's annual report, e.g. turnover, balance sheet, profit & loss account. It contains data relating to UK and Irish companies.
IBISWorld contains market research reports and industry ratings from the UK, China, North America, Australia and New Zealand. This database is particularly good for B2B and covers a wide variety of industry sectors, including: construction, energy, manufacturing, finance, wholesale, and retail.
A database of marketing research reports produced by Mintel. Included within the reports are profiles of companies that produce consumer goods. The focus is on the UK market, but there are also some reports relating to China.
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