Group Room 7 on silent floor 1. Bookable only by students known to the Disabilities Team in the Hub. This room can be booked for up to 4 hours at a time for sole, group use or use with a helper.
How to Book
via the Welcome Desk; the Live Chat service on Locate, or by phoning Customer Services on 024 7688 7575. The room must be booked by the student or in the student's name. If you wish to extend the time after 4 hours you can check with the Welcome Desk in person, by phone or by Live Chat on Locate. An extension of 2 hours max can be granted if nobody has booked the room at that time.
Available equipment
Group Room 1 on the ground floor. Useful for students with limited mobility. This room is used by all university students, but only students known to the disability team in the Hub can book it for sole use, or with a helper. This room can be booked for up to 2 hours.
Available equipment