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Reading List

A list of essential and recommended reading including books, journal articles, digitized chapters, web pages and other useful material relevant to your module. From the list, you can link to the record in Locate and access online material. The Reading List link will be in Aula.


1. Reference only books are books in the library that cannot be borrowed. They are for use in the library only. All print journals are also reference only.

2. Full details of a source that you have used in your coursework such as book, journal article or website, given in a standard format which enables others to find it. The list of references should be given at the end of your coursework. To find out more about how to reference go to the Referencing Libguide

See also:


A way of making your search more accurate by reducing your results to something more specific. You can refine your searches on Locate and in databases by categories such as subject, format or date.


If you wish to continue to use a book after it is due for return, you can extend the due date by logging into Locate and following the instructions to renew. You can also telephone the renewals desk in the library. For more help see our library essentials guide to renewing.

See also:

Automatic Renewal


You can request or reserve a print book if all copies are on loan. Instructions can be found on the our library essentials guide to reserving a book.

See also:


You can request or reserve a print book if all copies are on loan. Instructions can be found on the our library essentials guide to reserving a book.
See also:


These are members of staff who walk round the floors and help students to use the library. They have purple t.shirts with 'Ask Us' on them. You can also ask any other member of staff for help too.