When you borrow any item from the library you will see that it has a due date. If any item is returned after its due date, we will make an overdue charge.
There are different overdue charges for different items. For details of overdue charges for different items, please check our borrow page.
All users are responsible for ensuring the correct return of their loaned items. To avoid items being overdue, you can –
How can I pay charges?
You can pay library charges with a debit or credit card. Options to pay are as follows:
or by using the QR code
IMPORTANT: The University's library and finance systems are not linked. If you make a library payment online you need to send proof of payment to the library (customerservices.lib@coventry.ac.uk) separately or the amount will not be cleared from your account.
How do I find out how much I owe?
If you want full details of your loans or charges you can check your library account at any time - log on to Locate or choose the 'account' option at a self-service machine in the library. You can also ask a member of library staff to look at your account for you.
Please note, return receipts do not show the amount of charges incurred when items are returned late (any amount shown on a receipt is a pre-existing charge already on your account). You need to check your account to get your current balance.
Is there a deadline for paying?
Once you incur a Library charge all further activity on your account is blocked i.e. you will not be able to borrow or renew any items until the amount is paid..
In accordance with wider University policy, all outstanding debts must be settled before graduation.
Borrowers are responsible for all items issued to their University / Library ID card. You may be requested to replace an item or pay the replacement cost in full.
If you notice any discrepancies, please contact a member of library staff or email us as soon as possible.
There is an item showing on my account that I have already returned
If you believe you have returned an item but it still shows on your account then this means that something went wrong with the return.
If you check your user account or have received a borrowing activity notification and see that there are items that you have returned still recorded as on loan to you, please speak to a member of library staff at the Welcome desk.
Once we have the details, we will begin shelf-checking procedures.
Items which have not returned correctly at the self-service return machine may list as 'unknown item' on the screen and on your receipt (or will not be listed at all). Should you ever suspect a return has not registered, it is best to ask for assistance from staff at the welcome desk straightaway. Otherwise, please contact the library as soon as possible.
There is an item showing on my account that I have not borrowed
To let us know about any unrecognised item on your account. Please notify the library as soon as possible via LibAnswers or see a member of staff at the welcome desk.
Once we have the details, we will begin shelf-checking procedures.
I have lost an item
If you have lost any library item that you have borrowed, please let the library know as soon as possible.
To notify us about lost items. Please contact us via LibAnswers or see a member of staff at the welcome desk.
Sometimes lost library items are returned by the finder so, once we have the details, we will still look for the item on the library shelves. However, if not found, you will be asked to replace or pay for any lost item.
An item has been stolen
Should you be unfortunate enough to experience any crime which includes the theft of library items on loan to you, please let the library know.
To notify us about stolen items. Please contact us via LibAnswers or see a member of staff at the welcome desk.
Items may sometimes be returned to the library if dumped and recovered so we will still search for the item in the library.
If the theft has been reported to the police and you provide us with details of the crime number you were given, you will not be charged for replacing for a stolen item.