If the print material that you would like to borrow is out on loan, you can reserve it to make sure that you can borrow it when it is returned. Books and other library materials can only be reserved when there are no copies available on the shelf.
1. On the Library Homepage, search for the book you need in the box "Locate", or search directly at Locate.
2. Login to Locate using your Coventry University computer username and password by clicking on 'Login' at the top right hand side of the screen (How can I log in?).
3. Find the item you wish to request and click on the item record. Click the red ‘Request’ button under "Where is it?"
4. Click on ‘Request’.
5. A confirmation message “Request placed” will appear if the request is successful.
Once you reserve the item, the person who has it will be notified that the item has been reserved. This stops the automatic renewal on the item, and the person will need to return it to the library.
1. You receive an email when the item is ready for you to collect, or you can also view your list of request under your library account.
2. You have 7 days from the date on the email to pick up the item from the shelves near the self-service returns machine on the Ground Floor.
3. A slip showing your student ID / staff username is put in the library material.
4. You shall borrow the item using the self-service kiosk next to the shelves. After 7 days the item goes back on the shelves or to the next user who has requested the item.
If Lanchester Library does not stock what you are searching for there are several ways you may be able to source the item you need: