Annual Abstract of StatisticsContains statistics on the UK's economy, industry, society and demography presented in easy to read tables and backed up with explanatory notes and definitions. It covers, among others, the following areas: area; parliamentary elections; defence; population and vital statistics; education; labour market; expenditure and wealth; health; crime and justice; lifestyles; environment, housing; transport and communications; government finance; agriculture, fisheries and food; production; banking and insurance and service industry.
Euromonitor PassportContains full text market research reports and statistical data. Information includes consumer lifestyles, country information and company and brand data.
ACCESS: Click "Open Athens" from the right side of the screen. Search for "Coventry University" and click "Submit". If you get an error message or they ask you to complete a form with your details, just close the tab and open Euromonitor again.
Google Public Data ExplorerThe Google Public Data Explorer makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. You don't have to be a data expert to navigate between different views, make your own comparisons, and share your findings.
Monthly Digest of StatisticsThe monthly equivalent of the Annual Abstract of Statistics, though less comprehensive.
NationMaster.comThis site is produced by Rapid Intelligence Pty Ltd, an online publishing company based in Sydney, Australia. It repackages information from many different sources including the CIA World Factbook, World Bank, WHO, FAO (there is a very long list of sources on the web site). You can compare data in a variety of ways. For example you can select your own specific countries, a region, or an economic group such as OPEC and then a category and statistic for that category. The sources used for each comparison are listed and you can quickly change from totals to per capita figures, which are often more meaningful
ONS - Office for National StatisticsONS is the UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK.
Regional TrendsRegional Trends is a comprehensive regular source of official statistics for the Statistical Regions of the UK (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Government Office Regions within England). It includes a wide range of demographic, social, industrial and economic statistics, covering aspects of life in the regions. Source agency: Office for National Statistics
StatistaFind statistics, consumer survey results and industry studies from over 22500 sources on over 60000 topics on the internet's leading statistics database.
Statistics - GOV.UKOfficial statistics produced impartially and free from political influence.
UK Data ServiceUK Data Service is a free web based database containing macro and micro economic data and social data from the IMF, OECD, Eurostat, ILO, UN as well as the UK’s Office for National Statistics. A comprehensive resource to support researchers, teachers and policymakers who depend on high-quality social and economic data. Although it is a free database, you must register and indicate how you will use the data prior to downloading it.
Zanran Numerical Data SearchZanran extracts and indexes numerical data presented as tables, charts and images in PDF reports, spreadsheets and ordinary web pages. You can simply type in your search terms but there are additional options for narrowing down the search by location of the web server, specifying an individual site, selecting a time period and limiting by file type. The results page lists the files it has found with an extract highlighting the content containing your terms
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