Looking for the opportunity to share your research and practice your presentation skills?
Whether you want to practice a presentation before a big conference, or you want some feedback on your research ahead of publishing it, or if you just want to share your work, why not take part in one of ORSP's Research Cafes!
Each term, the ORSP team hold a Research Café, usually in the Lanchester library, that provides researchers an informal environment to share their research and practice presenting to a non-specialist audience. The cafés offer an open forum where peers can discuss their research, often leading to new perspectives and interdisciplinary insights. These are particularly helpful for PGRs and ECRs looking to hone their presentation skills.
Presenters are typically given 20 minutes to share their research, which is then followed by an opportunity for audience questions afterwards. Twenty minutes is not a long time, so we generally recommend presenters either focus on a specific aspect of their research or give a broad overview. Also, audiences are drawn from a range of backgrounds and disciplines, which often leads to fascinating interdisciplinary insights, but as a result presenters are encouraged to factor in some time to contextualise their research, including defining any technical vocabulary that may be unfamiliar to a non-specialist audience.
Our next Research Café will take place on the 23rd October. We welcome any presentations, particularly around the theme of "Community over Commercialisation".
If you would be interested in presenting at this Café, please either email oa.lib@coventry.ac.uk or fill in the form below and we will get back to you.
Theme: Community over Commercialisation
Presentations were provided by:
Presentations were provided by:
Apologies to viewers for the initial few minutes of Ruth’s presentation being missed out on the recording.
Theme: Immersive Research
Presentations were provided by:
Theme: Community over Commercialisation
Presentations were provided by:
(As part of the 2023 Research Hootenanny)
Presentations were provided by:
Theme: Open For Climate Justice
Presentations were provided by:
Presentations were provided by:
Presentations were provided by:
Theme: “Beyond the Viva: Life after a PhD”
Presentations were provided by:
Theme: It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity
Presentations were provided by:
Apologies to viewers for the initial few minutes of Sarah’s presentation being missed out on the recording.
Presentations were provided by:
An Interim Project Report, Decolonising Education – Fostering Conversations – Interim Project Report, related to the second presentation is available online at: DOI 10.18552/GLEA/2021/0001
Presentations were provided by:
Presentations were provided by:
A paper authored by Holly related their presentation was published as: Gilbert, H., Hodds, M., & Lawson, D. (2021). “Everyone seems to be agreeing at the minute that face-to-face is the way forward”: Practitioners’ perspectives on post-pandemic Mathematics and Statistics Support. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 40(4), 296-316. https://doi.org/10.1093/teamat/hrab019
Presentations were provided by:
Presentations were provided by:
Presentations were provided by:
Contact Us📍 Where to find us:
✉️ Email: oa.lib@coventry.ac.uk