Persistent Identifiers (or PIDs) are unique, long-lasting forms of identifiers that can be used to identify publications, people, institutions, organisations, projects and grants. These ensure that individual entities can be identified even if their names or URLs change. The use of PIDs are an increasingly common requirement as they ensure research remains findable. Common PIDs include DOIs, ISBNs, ISSNs, ORCiD and ROR IDs.
DOIs - Digital Object Identifiers |
A DOI is a set of alphanumeric characters, which give digital outputs a unique online identity, providing a stable, persistent identification for the lifetime of the output. DOIs are a method of identifying specific objects and works accurately, which will aid in the connection of the outputs to their creators / authors, plus associated metadata and documentation, and will help increase the impact of your work. |
ISBNs - International Standard Book Numbers |
Publications (Books) | An ISBN identifies text-based monographic publications (e.g. individual books, rather than journals, newspapers or serial publications). ISBNs consist of 13 digits (or 10 if they were registered before 2007) that identifies the specific title, edition, format and registrant. |
ISSNs - International Standard Serial Number |
Publications (Series) | ISSN is an 8 digit code that can be used to identify series of publications including newspapers, journals, magazines, periodicals, conference proceedings, etc. The ISSN is usually grouped into two sets of 4 digits (the eighth digit may be an X to represent 10). The ISSN is associated with the title of the publication, and is usually located on the upper right corner of the cover or on the pages of editorial information. |
ORCiDs - Open Researcher and Contributor ID |
People | ORCiD is a free service providing a unique 16 digit code to identify authors and to bring together all of their research activities, history and outputs together into one profile. ORCiD helps avoid the confusion which can arise around authors with similar names being considered one and the same person, and the opposite problem of outputs by the same person being split among different name variants. |
ROR IDs - Research Organization Registry ID |
Organisations | The Research Organization Registry (ROR) is a global registry of identifiers for Research Organisations, whether they produce, fund, facilitate, manage, publish or teach research. This could include universities, research funders, government organisations, hospitals and healthcare centres, and private companies. The ROR ID for Coventry University is |
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