For the most accurate and up to date information about the University guidelines regarding the layout and presentation of your thesis, please consult the Doctoral College's Procedural documents available on the Doctoral College’s SharePoint page.
For questions about submission, contact the PGR Lifecycle Team (
For discipline specific formatting questions, please contact your Director of Studies.
Why deposit in Pure
Theses are required to be added to the institutional repository known as Pure. Theses prior to 2019 were previously hosted on Curve, but these have subsequently been migrated over to Pure. Theses in Pure are also archived in the British Library's EThOS service.
The main benefit of depositing your work in the Institutional Repository is increased access and promotion of your research to others in the field. Theses are likely to be read more widely if they are accessible on the Web, which can provide associated benefits such as increased citations for your research and the potential opportunity to collaborate with others working in your research area.
Open Access and Embargoes
By default, theses are deposited in Pure Open Access, but there may be valid reasons why you need to restrict access to your thesis. For instance, if you wish to publish your thesis, you may wish to request a two year embargo whilst you prepare for publication.
Usually embargos will only apply for a limited period of time but there are a few reasons why you may need an indefinite embargo. For instance, if your thesis contains sensitive or confidential information or has been commercially sponsored you may have signed an agreement which does not permit you to make it publicly available. You should talk to your Director of Studies when establishing if there is a need to restrict access to your thesis. They will be able to advise regarding an appropriate period of embargo for your thesis.
When submitting the Candidate's Declaration Form at the time you submit your thesis for examination you will be asked to indicate whether an embargo period is required. This form is available through the Doctoral College SharePoint site under the 'thesis preparation' tab.
Conversely, if you are granted an embargo but decide while the embargo is in effect that it is no longer necessary you can let us know by e-mailing We will contact your supervisor (or Head of School) to establish if it is appropriate to make the thesis available earlier.
How to Deposit
Following the examination and completion of any required corrections the PGR Lifecycle team will send out a copy of the Library Declaration and Deposit Agreement to you once your thesis is confirmed as having passed examination and you are invited to submit the final copy of your thesis. Please note this form is not available through the Doctoral College SharePoint Site.
Ideally your thesis should consist of a single PDF file. However, it is acceptable to deposit a small number of individual files if you experience major difficulties in producing a single file for conversion to PDF.
You should save the PDF version of your thesis using the following filename format:
If you are concerned that your PDF file is very large please contact for advice.
The main body of your thesis, including appendices, associated images, data, tables etc. must be deposited as a PDF document. However, if your thesis has associated multimedia (e.g. sound file or video clips) these can be uploaded separately.
Theses Prior to 2008
If you submitted your PhD thesis before 2008 and would like to have it made available electronically then please email our team. We will need to check the thesis for any issues with copyright or data protection and will remove content where necessary before we digitize the thesis and make it openly available.
We sometimes get theses requests from non-Coventry University staff and students, particularly from the British Library Ethos service. If the thesis was submitted prior to 2008 then we will make every reasonable effort to track down and contact the author of the thesis for permission.
In order to make your thesis available in the institutional repository, you will need to seek permission if you want to include any third party copyright material. Traditionally it has been accepted that third party copyright material can be included in a print version of a thesis without seeking permission. However, it is good academic practice to do this and this is essential if your thesis is going to be made available online.
Please note that you will not be penalised if it is not possible to gain permission, either because permissions are not granted or because it would be too expensive to obtain permissions. This will simply mean that we will not be able to make your thesis available online. The outcome of your examination will not be affected in anyway. No student will be required to make any payments to copyright holders for material they wish to include in their thesis.
What to seek permission for
You will need permission for any third party copyright material you wish to include in your thesis, e.g. extracts from publications, or illustrations such as images, maps, photographs, tables etc.
If you have included a short quotation from a published work and have acknowledged and referenced it appropriately it is probably not necessary for you to seek permission from the copyright holder. Copyright law does not define what is meant by a short extract, and if you are in doubt it is probably best to seek permission.
If you intend to include material that you have published elsewhere (e.g. journal articles) you need to check that the publisher will allow you to include these as part of your thesis. The easiest way to do this is to contact the publisher directly and check. You will need to give the complete citation for the published work that you wish to include and specifically ask permission to include this work in within the electronic version of your thesis which will be made available in Coventry University's online research repository
How to seek permissions
In order to seek permission to include third party copyright material within the electronic version of your thesis you will need to contact the rights holder. The rights holder of the work you want to use may be the author, illustrator or publisher etc.
We would suggest that you contact the publisher in the first instance. Many publishers give details on their websites of how to seek permissions and who to contact. Look for information on rights / permissions / copyright clearance. If the publisher does not hold the rights to the work they should forward your enquiry to whoever does.
The Society of Authors provides guidance on how to ask for permissions and the circumstances when this is likely to be required. The database WATCH (Writers Artists and Their Copyright Holders) maintained by the University of Texas is a useful resource when searching for copyright holders, especially within the arts.
If the rights holder does not reply immediately, you may want to contact them again. Please note that you may not regard a lack of response as permission to include third party material in your thesis.
A template letter to request copyright permissions is available here:
Results of a Permission Request
If permission is granted you should indicate this at the appropriate point of your thesis, e.g. 'Permission to reproduce [make reference to the exact material included] has been granted by [name of the rights holder].' You should keep copies of any letters or emails that you receive from rights holders.
If you have been unable to secure all the necessary third party copyright permissions for your thesis you will not be able to make the full version available online. You will still be required to deposit this copy, and it will be held securely. However, you may wish to make an edited version publicly available. If this is the case you should save an additional copy of your thesis, remove the relevant material and insert a place holder at this point in the document, e.g. Figure (Text/Chart/Diagram/image etc.) has been removed due to Copyright restrictions. Remember that you need to deposit both the full and the edited version of your thesis, and that these should be given different filenames.
Thesis by Portfolio/Publication
For those undertaking a PhD by portfolio / prior publication, we would recommend where possible getting publisher permissions for us to include the final publications in the version of the thesis which we make available online. Where an author has signed a Copyright Transfer Agreement with a publisher this will otherwise restrict our ability to share this content, and we may therefore only be able to make a limited version of the thesis publicly available online.
Many publishers will allow a particular version (e.g. a pre-print or post-print) of an article to be included in an institutional repository and you may be able to include these versions in the electronic version of your thesis rather than including the publisher’s PDF(s) if permissions are not otherwise forthcoming. This information may be included in the copyright transfer agreement or licence to publish which you signed prior to publication. Alternatively, ask your publisher directly.
Depending on the type of output you produce, you may also need the permission of co-creators / joint copyright holders. Again, we would recommend that you seek this permission as you go along and keep a record of the permissions you have obtained.
For further advice regarding this please contact your Faculty Principal Registry Officer or the Repository Development Officer
Electronic theses available in the CU repository can be found using the University Library catalogue Locate. Theses that are print only, including those prior to 2008, can be found using Locate and then requested at the Library Reception Desk.
When theses are submitted, the University's Research Office forwards brief details of the thesis to the British Library Electronic Theses Online Service EThOS.
When searching generally for PhD theses, two useful resources are:
To search for theses from other universities you could also try searching their catalogues directly by going through A directory of libraries throughout the world. If you would like to see a thesis from another university you should consider using the Document Supply Service.
Unfortunately, only theses from PhD and Masters by Research are collected within Pure and therefore catalogued in Locate. If you are searching for your own Undergraduate or Taught Masters dissertation, we would suggest contacting your original faculty as they may have a copy or be able to direct you to where copies have been stored. Please note that not all faculties will be storing dissertations and that they may not be able to assist you.
What is OA?; OA Policies; APC Funding; Pure Repository; Rights Retention.
Creating and Preserving Data; Data Planning; DMPs; FAIR Data; Finding Data.
About Coventry Open Press; Contact Us; Submitting Proposals; Current Publications.
Publishing Advice; Predatory Publishers; Theses; Metrics; Persistent IDs.