What are Read and Publish Agreements?
Our Read and Publish Agreements allow researchers at Coventry University to publish articles via the immediate 'Gold' Open Access route at no further cost. Typically, Gold Open Access would require the payment of an Article Processing Charge (APC) on acceptance, but articles published in the journals covered by these agreements will not incur this charge, so long as the corresponding author is affiliated with Coventry University.
Which articles are eligible?
Articles where the corresponding author is affiliated with Coventry University are eligible. Each publisher defines the corresponding author slightly differently (see below) but this is typically the author who submits the manuscript.
If you believe an article you submitted should be covered by our agreements but it hasn't been picked up, please contact oa.lib@coventry.ac.uk for support.
Note that these agreements only cover APCs, additional costs such as Page or Colour Charges are not covered.
Our agreement with BMJ covers a number of their Open Access and Hybrid journals.
Only certain article types (broadly classed as original research articles) are covered under the agreement. See here for a list of eligible article types.
BMJ define the corresponding author as the submitting author. As such, the submitting author must use their Coventry University email address during the submission process, otherwise the article will not be recognised as being eligible for the agreement.
More information about the agreement is available on the BMJ Website: https://authors.bmj.com/open-access-unitedkingdom/
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Our agreement with CUP covers a number of their Open Access and Hybrid journals.
The article types covered by the agreement include Research Articles, Rapid Communications, Review Articles, Brief Reports and Case Reports.
The corresponding author must be agreed on submission and can only be changed with the written agreement of all manuscript authors, and may be subject to review. More information about assigning corresponding authors can be found here. We would encourage corresponding authors to use their institutional email address.
Our agreement with Elsevier covers a wide range of their Hybrid journals. This agreement provides a 15% APC discount for their Gold journals - please note that authors will still be responsible for sourcing the money to pay for the rest of this APC (e.g. through the UKRI Block Grant, the Internal Fund, etc.)
The article types covered by the agreement include Case reports, Data in Briefs, Full-length articles, Micro-articles, Original software publication, Practice guidelines, Protocols, Review articles, Replication studies, Short communications, Short surveys and Video articles. When publishing in eligible journals from The Lancet, full length articles are the only eligible article type.
Elsevier defines the corresponding author as the author who submits the manuscript and other related documentation to the journal and is the primary contact between the journal and all other authors. While your article may have multiple corresponding authors, the submitting author will be used to check eligibility.
A small number of Elsevier journals operating in the Business and Finance disciplines charge authors 'submission fees' for each article submitted. These costs are not covered under the agreement.
Our agreement with Sage covers a wide range of their Hybrid journals. This agreement provides a 20% APC discount for their Gold journals - please note that authors will still be responsible for sourcing the money to pay for the rest of this APC (e.g. through the UKRI Block Grant, the Internal Fund, etc.)
The articles considered article type are covered by the agreement (article types such as book reviews and commercially sponsored articles are not).
More information about the agreement is available on the Sage Website: https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/uk-jisc-agreement.
Taylor and Francis
Our agreement with Taylor and Francis covers their 'Open Select' Hybrid journals.
Articles must be original research articles. Other types of paper, such as Editorials, Announcements, and Book Reviews, are not covered by this agreement..
Our agreement with Wiley covers all their Hybrid and Open Access journals, including those published through Hindawi and IET.
The article types covered by the agreement include primary research or a review articles. Other article types e.g. letters, editorials etc. are excluded.
Wiley defines the corresponding author as the author who manages the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process - from submission through publication.
A small number of Wiley journals operating in the Business and Finance disciplines charge authors 'submission fees' for each article submitted. These costs are not covered under the agreement.
Wiley have produced guidance around publishing under these agreements in their Hybrid Journals, their Open Access Journals and the Hindawi Open Access Journals.
More information about the agreement is available on the Wiley Website: https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/open-access/affiliation-policies-payments/jisc-agreement.html
Which licence should I choose?
We ask that authors to choose a CC-BY licence wherever possible. If you have accidentally selected a more restrictive licence, please contact oa.lib@coventry.ac.uk, and we can advise how to change the licence.
Which journals are covered?
The BMJ journals covered can be found here.
The Cambridge University Press journals covered can be found here.
The Elsevier journals covered can be found here.
The SAGE journals covered include those in their Premier Package, IMechE, and Royal Society of Medicine Collection.
The Taylor and Francis journals covered can be found here.
The WILEY journals covered include these Gold Open Access Journals and these Hybrid Journals.
You can also use Jisc's Transformative Agreement Lookup Tool, that collates the journals covered, although this is not a complete list as some of our agreements (Wiley and Taylor & Francis) are not included. With this tool, it is possible to see lists of journals (by clicking on each publisher's name), or to search to see if specific journals are covered (click "Show Search" and type in the name of the journal or it's ISSN - note that it can be sensitive around "and" / "&").
Contact Us📍 Where to find us:
✉️ Email: oa.lib@coventry.ac.uk