Following the launch of Plan S in 2018, a number of research funders have implemented Open Access policies. Below you will find a guide to the Open Access policies of various funders that often support research at Coventry University. If your research is funded by more than one funder, you will still have to meet the requirements of all the funders' policies.
Both Research articles and longform publications (like books and book chapters) are in scope of the funder’s Open Access Policy.
Funding Support
Reasonable funding requests to cover APCs/BPCs, in the process making the research available Gold Open Access, are allowed to be included in grant budgets. Further support for Open Access funding is available from the University.
The Arcadia Fund Open Access policy can be read in full here
The British Academy does not have a specific open access policy, and does not permit their awards to be used to pay for Open Access publishing costs. However their APEX Awards terms and conditions have previously stated that: 'The Society is committed to the widest possible dissemination of research outputs through the awards that it supports, and encourages Award Holders to publish peer-reviewed articles and monographs in Open Access journals.'
The British Academy maintains its responses to open access consultations and initiatives on their website.
Only research articles are in scope of the funder’s Open Access Policy.
Funding Support
It is possible to apply for additional funding to cover APCs, in the process making the research available Gold Open Access, directly from a block grant from the British Heart Foundation. You can apply for this from our internal funding form (be sure to include your funding grant code).
The British Heart Foundation Open Access policy can be read in full here
Only research articles are in scope of the funder’s Open Access Policy.
Funding Support
Funding to cover APCs, in the process making the research available Gold Open Access, can be taken from any underspend in your active grant. Further support for Open Access funding is available from the University.
The Cancer Research Open Access policy can be read in full here
All peer-reviewed Journal articles, conference papers and longform publications (like books and book chapters) are in scope of the funder’s Open Access Policy.
"This work was funded by the Εuropean Union under the Horizon Europe grant [grant number]. As set out in the Grant Agreement, beneficiaries must ensure that at the latest at the time of publication, open access is provided via a trusted repository to the published version or the final peer-reviewed manuscript accepted for publication under the latest available version of the Creative Commons Attribution International Public Licence (CC BY) or a licence with equivalent rights."
Funding Support
Only publication fees in full open access venues for peer-reviewed scientific publications are eligible for reimbursement by the funder, which need to have been budgeted into the Grant proposal. Further support for Open Access funding is available from the University.
The Horizon Europe Open Access requirements can be found in their Model Grant agreement, which can be found here
The present policy of the Leverhulme Trust is to 'make no stipulations regarding mandatory archiving or open access publication for Leverhulme grant holders' (Question 8).
However, the Leverhulme Trust does consider open access publishing costs as permissible costs which 'should be included either within the 25% associated costs allowable on Research Project Grants and Research Programme Grants or within the research expenses category for fellowships'. See Question 6 of the Leverhulme Trust's Associated Costs / Research expenses page for full information on this.
Both peer-reviewed research articles and conference papers are in scope of the funder’s Open Access Policy.
"For the purpose of open access, the author has applied [a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence] [an ‘Open Government Licence’] (or where permitted by the NIHR) [a Creative Commons Attribution No-derivatives (CC BY-ND) licence] to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising."
Funding Support
It is possible to apply for additional funding to cover APCs, in the process making the research available Gold Open Access, directly from the funding body. Full information including a link to the request form can be found here.
NIHR’s Open Access policy can be read in full here
Section 12 of the Royal Society's Conditions of Award stipulate: 'The findings from the research funded by the Award are to be made freely available to the broader scientific community as soon as possible. However, the publication or release of such findings may be reasonably delayed enabling protection of any intellectual property. It is the responsibility of the Award Holder and the Host Organisation to actively communicate the findings from the research to the public at the relevant local, national or international level.'
At a minimum The Royal Society expects to follow the 'green' route to Open Access, as is the case under the University and REF Open Access policies. While the Royal Society's preference is for research to be made Open Access at point of publication, the Royal Society does not consent to cover Open Access publishing costs (Question 11 - 2022 Research Fellowship FAQs) .
Only research articles are in scope of the funder’s Open Access Policy.
“This research was funded in whole or in part by Templeton World Charity Foundation [Grant number]. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC-BY public copyright licence to any author accepted manuscript version arising from this submission.”
Funding Support
It is possible to apply for additional funding to cover APCs, in the process making the research available Gold Open Access, directly from the funding body, as long as the journal is indexed by DOAJ, complies with Plan S Technical guidance and requirements, and have an agreement for the published version to be deposited in Europe PMC and PubMed.
The Templeton World Open Access policy can be read in full here
Both review articles and conference papers in proceeding with an International Standards Serial Number (ISSN) are in scope of the funder’s Open Access Policy. From 1st January 2024, longform publications (like books and book chapters) will also be in scope.
"For the purpose of open access, the author(s) has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence (where permitted by UKRI, ‘Open Government Licence’ or ‘Creative Commons Attribution No-derivatives (CC BY-ND) licence’ may be stated instead) to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising"
Funding Support
It is possible to apply for additional funding to cover APCs, in the process making the research available Gold Open Access, from the UKRI Block Grant. You can apply for this through our internal funding form (be sure to include your funding grant code).
The UKRI Open Access policy can be read in full here
Both research articles and longform publications (like books and book chapters) are in scope of the funder’s Open Access Policy.
“This research was funded in whole, or in part, by the Wellcome Trust [Grant number]. For the purpose of open access, the author has applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission.”
Funding Support
It is possible to apply for additional funding to cover APCs, in the process making the research available Gold Open Access, directly from the funding body by contacting Full details can be found here
The Wellcome Trust Open Access policy can be read in full here
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