UKRI’s Open Access requirements apply to both peer-reviewed research articles, including reviews, and conference papers published in a journal, conference proceeding with an ISSN number, or a publishing platform.
"For the purpose of open access, the author(s) has applied a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) licence (where permitted by UKRI, ‘Open Government Licence’ or ‘Creative Commons Attribution No-derivatives (CC BY-ND) licence’ may be stated instead) to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising"
The UKRI Open Access policy can be read in full here
Our Block Grant allocation for April 2023 - March 2024 is now in effect. Authors in receipt of UKRI funding (this covers UK Research Councils, Innovate UK and Research England) who are submitting journal articles on or after 1st April 2023 can potentially make use of this fund.
Authors: The author must have received UKRI funding (from any UKRI Research Council, Research England or Innovate UK). This funding, including a specific grant code, must be acknowledged by the paper..
Publication Types: The fund will support the publishing of peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers.
Licence: The publisher must permit a CC BY licence to be applied to the final published version.
Costs: Funds from the Block Grant will cover the Open Access costs often called Article Processing Charges (or APCs) with any associated VAT or administration fees. It will not cover any further costs, such as submission costs, excess page charges or colour charges.
From 1st January 2024, the UKRI Open Access policy will apply to longform publications, including books, book chapters and edited collections.
Monographs, book chapters and edited collections are all in scope of the policy, as long as they are published within 7 years of the formal end of the associated UKRI funded project.
The policy does not apply to trade books (unless they are the only output of the funding), scholarly editions of another author’s work, exhibition catalogues, scholarly illustrated catalogues, textbooks and all type of fictional work/creative writing.
An exception can be made for longform publications where they are published after the 1st of January 2024 but the contract was signed before this date.
Exceptions can be applied for certain publications that cannot meet the UKRI Open Access policy. These publications include:
Contract was signed with a publisher before 1st January 2024.
The only appropriate publisher is unable to offer a compliant open access option. You must confirm that your preferred publisher has no Open Access programme or capability, you have determined that there is no appropriate publisher, and that you have already liaised with the publisher to seek an Open Access option.
The publication is is the outcome of a UKRI training grant.
Reuse permissions for third-party materials cannot be obtained and there is no suitable alternative. You must confirm that you have attempted to seek permission for the third-party material, and have considered replacing, removing, redacting or linking out to it, but the exclusion of this material severely compromises the publication.
The publication type is out of scope of the policy. Out of scope longform publications include trade books (that is not the only output of the funding), a scholarly edition, an exhibition catalogue, a scholarly illustrated catalogue, a textbook or a form of fictional work/creative writing.
UKRI are currently developing a way of reporting these exception. For the time being, please report these exceptions through this form.
We are now accepting applications for Open Access funding for authors in receipt of UKRI funding (this covers UK Research Councils, Innovate UK and Research England) who will be publishing a book, edited collection or book chapter after 1st January 2024.
The application for funding will have two stages:
Stage 1: The researcher will register their publication with UKRI via the Research and Scholarly Publications team. This will confirm eligibility for the fund.
Stage 2: Once the publication has been published Open Access, evidence is supplied to UKRI who will then release the funds for the BPC/CPC (Book/Chapter Processing Charge).
Authors: The author must have received UKRI funding (from any UKRI Research Council, Research England or Innovate UK). This funding, including a specific grant code, must be acknowledged in the publication.
Publication Types: The fund will support Book, Edited Collections and Book Chapters. It will not support delayed Open Access (i.e. paying to make the work Open Access after it has already been published).
Licence: The publisher must permit a CC BY licence to be applied to the final published version.
Costs: Applications for funding cannot exceed the following caps:
Entire monographs/ edited collections |
£10,000 (including VAT) |
Book Chapters |
£1,000 (including VAT) |
Costs for third party materials can be requested in research grant applications. However, it will be permitted to claim up to £2,000 via the fund, but within the above maximum limits.
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