CAW has a plethora of academic writing resources to help students with their writing assignments throughout their student journey with Coventry University whether you are a first year undergraduate, undertaking writing a final year dissertation or project, or a Masters or PhD student.
Resources have been grouped into academic writing categories:
General Academic Writing Process: these resources guide you through the writing process from understanding assignment briefs, initial assignment planning, drafting, revising, and editing, through to understanding and implementing assignment feedback.
Types of Writing at University: these resources cover the different assignment types from structuring an academic essay, writing a report, writing successfully as a group, through to essay writing in exams.
Academic Language for Writing: these resources are key to developing academic writing skills by helping you to understand and incorporate academic language, punctuation, and vocabulary etc into your assignment writing.
Enchancing your Academic Writing: these resources are designed to help you enhance your written assignments to give a more polished finish.
Click on each link within the group for further information and pdf download of the resource.
How to Analyse an Assignment Brief
Reading Critically to Support your Writing
Constructing Sentences in Academic Writing
Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism
Tips for Polishing and Proofreading
Self or Peer Assessing an Essay
Writing Succcessfully as a Group
Writing a Dissertation Proposal
Writing an Annotated Bibliography
Definitions of Directive Words
Punctuation in Academic Writing
Integrating Sources using Signal Phrases
Glossary of Written Assignment Feedback Terms
Guidance on using AI Tools in Academic Writing Assignments
Creating QR Codes to Enhance your Written Assignments