This resource gives an overview of an academic writing development workshop on ‘Introduction to using AI Tools in your Writing Process’ as well as links to the Coventry University Group (CUG)’s guidance on the use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in students’ writing and assignments. For individual assignments, first consult your assignment brief as this should include guidance on the use, acknowledgement, and referencing of AI tools in your assignment. Further guidance can be obtained by asking your lecturer or module lead.
This workshop aimed at students who are interested in, unsure about, or already using AI tools in their writing. It offers practical guidance and ethical considerations for you to apply when using AI tools with your writing. The guidance is mapped to the five stages of the writing process, showing you how you might use AI tools to make useful interventions in your writing when generating your ideas, planning, drafting, revising, and editing/proofreading.
The workshop also incorporates Coventry University Group (CUG)’s guidance on the use and misuse of AI tools in assignment writing, and tips on how to record and manage your use of data and AI tools should you be required to demonstrate your processes, sources, or originality during or after you complete an assignment.
This workshop is aimed at students at all levels of study. As the workshop is mapped to the five stages of writing, you may wish to download CAW’s resource on 'The Writing Process' or consider attending CAW’s 'The Writing Process' workshop ahead of attending this workshop.
You can download 'The Writing Process' resource from:
You can view the scheduled dates, and register, for 'The Writing Process' workshop for this semester, at
NOTE for PGRs and students writing for publication: in addition to this workshop, you will need to consider academic and publisher guidance on the use of AI tools in research publication.
A Student Guidance on Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence: A Student Guide – A guide on appropriate use of AI tools in learning and assessment
YourSU guidance on academic integrity: Academic Integrity
Library A-Z referencing guide: A-Z Referencing Examples - Referencing in APA Style - LibGuides at Coventry University
Student Portal: Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence; Academic and Research Integrity; Originality and authenticity of your assessments
CAW’s Libguides website offers a plethora of resources across all genres of academic writing to help support writing assignments. To view and download these resources visit:
CAW offers writing development workshops across all genres of academic writing. To view all available workshops and book online, visit:
During peak demand, CAW offers a 'Single Question Drop-in' service each day Monday – Friday on the ground floor of the Lanchester Library. For more information and current timings, visit:
To book a one-to-one tutorial with the Centre for Academic Writing:
To find your subject Academic Liaison Librarian, visit:
Guide to Referencing: